
Enhanced image annotation

Written by Frank | Jun 19, 2018 11:39:06 AM
We've released an update for even more efficient visual communication. Next time you report what needs changing on visual merchandising, on current campaign artwork or whatever you come across in a given store - just whip out the image annotation feature of Mobaro.


Clear communication in living color

Now, you can colorise and add shapes to illustrate exactly what needs changing. It makes your in-app reporting easier. And the head office will receive even clearer visual references for select items on your checks and tasks.

A useful tip?

In multi-lingual retail organisations, visual references come in handy because they transcend what may get lost in translation. So why not develop and introduce company-wide principles for using the shapes and colors in the new feature, e.g. red circle = missing poster. This may further help to create even more consistent reporting across the stores in different languages and countries.